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The Honest Company Essentials Bundle box review 2/22/17
This trial bundle from The Honest Company included 5 seriously generous trial sizes from their essentials line. It was packaged and presented beautifully in recycled materials. The turn around time between placing the order and receiving the box was very fast, 3 business days. I ordered it at the end of a week with a holiday (no mail) falling on the following Monday.
No complaints from me. Quite the opposite indeed!
Now – let’s break down the deets!

The Honest Company Face and Body Lotion
Face and Body Lotion –0.75ml unscented This is a great lotion. It’s really light but really effective. No grrreeezy feel.
Normally, I don’t like putting lotion on because it feels like it takes forever to get it to soak into my skin. It’s like a chore. The up side however, it provides a light workout session for my arms since I’m constantly making circles with my arms as I rub, and rub, rub…and rub.
Don’t know about you guys, but I don’t have time to mess about with lotion. And trust me, the general public would much prefer I make my entrances clothed, over moisturized. You can thank me later.
So, if you’ve watched my video review, I just put a little dollop of the lotion on my hand. The texture was light but effective. But the real test is putting a larger amount on my leg and testing the absorption time factor.
I tested this (off camera) and it effortlessly absorbed! Honest! (PUN INTENDED)

The Honest Company Hand Soap
Hand Soap – 2.0 fl oz Lavender Scent I put this on my hand dry. Didn’t wipe it off, just let it soak in.
It was brilliant. It left no trace at all. Then I used it with water as intended. It was really nice. It produced just enough bubble to know it was cleaning but not too much where you are having to flip your hands every which way under the running water to make sure you are rinsing it all off.
My only call out…pick your scent. In the trial box I received Lavender and it conjured up babies. And really just in the last few years have overcome my baby trauma. My daughter was only 2 year when I had my twins, it was a lot of baby at once. For me anyway!

The Honest Company Body Wash and Shampoo
Body Wash and Shampoo – .75 fl oz Sweet Orange Vanilla Scent This was an awesome product. I plan to have this stocked in the house for my boys to use in the shower. It’s perfect because personally I just don’t think they need to have a separate shampoo and body wash.
Think of the moolah I will save. One, because I only have to buy one product for two jobs, and two it cuts shower time, hence, cuts water bill. And using less water is good for the environment too. Ehh?

The Honest Company Healing Balm
Organic Healing Balm .75 fl oz – no fragrance (but check out the video for my thoughts on the scent) This product won me over. No joke! This was not a product I was anticipating. I mean I guess I knew there would be a balm included…I just wasn’t expecting it to be so freakin fabulous.
This product has quite possibly become my new favorite product of all time (as of current).
The scent is a little funky at first…but it goes away really fast and then has no scent lingering. It’s so soothing, moisturizing, and luxurious feeling. There is no residue left all.
In fact, I may just start calling this miracle product…bomb balm. LOVE!

The Honest Company Multi Surface Cleaner
Multi Surface Cleaner – 1.0 fl oz White Grapefruit Scent This was the product I was most looking forward to. It was featured on The Apprentice tv show this season and was ahhhhmazing. I couldn’t wait to try it because I am always cleaning counter tops in my house (kitchens and bathrooms) that have set in nasty crunch mysteries on them.
This stuff 100% worked! It cleaned the spaghetti sauce that had exploded in my microwave at least 3 days prior, and with ease. And there was no chemical smell, none! You can detect the light grapefruit scent…but in this case that’s a good thing. It masked the odor of the ick I was wiping away. WIN!
Before anyone wants to put me on blast for me not demonstrating it on video, as I had said I would let me just qualify myself. I had planned to video it, and I did, but I decided not to share the video.
Why you ask, because I was mortified at how the dried up, hard spaghetti sauce looked. (insecurity set in big time)
You see, I’ve been warned about the “haters” when you post videos, I’m not prepared to subject my innocent microwave to that kind of harsh judgment. Me, fine…but the microwave didn’t consent to be featured in any reviews.
Overall Satisfaction– I am impressed! I’m going to let it ride and await my full-size Honest Company monthly bundle. I’m telling you, this experience with The Honest Company’s monthly bundle is what this industry is all about. This is where the total glee and jubilation is found! I went into my Honest Company subscription having no idea that the bomb balm existed. I never would have discovered this product had I not received it in my trial bundle.
I’m a huge yet particular fan of scented lotions and soaps. So that was the only thing that I needed to adjust with my bundle. And adjusting was easy. I just went back into my account and swapped which products I didn’t want with the ones I did.
Boom! My Honest Bundle is updated and will be sent customized.
Way to go Honest Company!!! And thanks for introducing the bomb BALM into my life!
How to Order:
Signup for The Honest Company here.
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