Disclosure: This post includes my personal Jubilee Box Review for which I was not compensated but it may contain affiliate / referral links. Read the full disclosure.
MESSAGE IN A SUBSCRIPTION BOX!!!! This is one of those moments in life that I just sit back and wonder what else I may have missed? When it takes a Subscription box to remind me of the obvious; that’s some trippy shiz.
Jubilee is a quarterly stationary and gift inspired subscription box. I am not necessarily a gift wrappin, tie up with a bow, kind a gal.

Jubilee Spring Box
I’m a plop it in a gift bag, throw in some tissue paper, and call it job done, kind a work horse.
My expectation before even opening the Jubilee box was that it would be geared toward my friends who scrapbook or wrap gifts up in lovely paper and pretty bows. The type of beautiful adornments that I always think, “what a waste of money, it just ends up in the trash”.
In a Jubilee box subscribers receive seasonally appropriate gift and stationary items valued at over $60.00, for just $29.99. Great value…right? For me, the worth or value is subjective. It is measured by the effect on the receiver. So its subjective, am I right?
The Jubilee box wasn’t necessarily a box that I thought would really be something for me to squeal and cheer about. Or for that matter a value, based on my interests.
But for the sake of the Society, I know the need exists to offer broader subscription categories. Boxes that wouldn’t necessarily be just for my own liking.
Who’d have guessed!!! Much to my surprise this box was stuffed full of items that were more important that I could have imagined.
So, to set the stage a bit…I’m sort of an enigma.
I am very practical and rigid. I like rules, and knowing what to expect. I’m not reckless EVER, and I thrive in situations that provide me feelings of security.
On the other hand, I’m a big believer in vibration and energy and all things mystical and karmic. I strive every day to recognize the “gifts” of my life and feel gratitude and acknowledge the forces of nature.
In recent weeks some things have changed the direction of my path. Although I know in my heart these were things that I wanted to happen, they did knock me off course a wee bit and challenge me to consider some difficult choices.
It’s been a struggle to have these opposing forces inside my head between what I should be doing and want I to do.
You feel me right?
Anywhoo, Jubilee Box enter stage left.
The Jubilee Box contained wrapping paper, file folders, tiny calendars, and note pads all in beautiful spring colors. It was all visually pleasing, and certainly satisfied my need to be surrounded by pretty things. But I wasn’t squealing.
But I do totally think that visuals play a big part in our satisfaction with irrelevant items.
Also, in my subscription box from Jubilee were cards. Thank you, Birthday, and Just Because, cards.
Quick necessary relevant story:
Last week I received a card from my best friend growing up.
I can’t tell you the last time I receive a hand written letter in the mail.
Oh sure for a while there I would get excited thinking that the local insurance sales agents, or the neighborhood realtor’s mailers were hand written;
Dear Erin, blah blah blah – Only to find it was just the most recent marketing tactic.
(sheeetheads and your fancy printers)
Anyway, the letter from my friend…
We were inseparable and true BFF’s. But life gets busy, geographic locations widen, and well you know the drill.
I can’t adequately convey the impact her letter had on me. It made me feel valued and important. As simple as this word is…I felt happy.
In my Jubilee box there were Simple Greeting Cards.
Cards that before last week would NOT have had the same weight as they do today. Cards that I previously would have regarded as simple, are now powerful. Powerful because I am deeply and directly aware of the difference they make in someone’s day.
The next life challenge I was currently in the midst of; I was on the whine train. Unfortunately, much to my dismay and no matter how many times I clicked my heels together, it wasn’t a wine train.
I was miserable, crabby, and self-involved. I couldn’t see past my own troubles. My poor kids and husb-man were avoiding me like consumption (Vampire Diary shout out in honor of series finale).
I needed a swift and hearty reminder of what blessings are, and where to find them.
Unfortunately there was no genie in a bottle…but there was a HUGE message in a Jubilee Box!
WHOA…talk about getting a healthy dose of “look outside yourself” asshole!
One by one I pulled out and examined these items:
Coloring book, called Zen Garden full of peace inducing scenes – “sure uh ok, I’m open to some Zen right about now”
Notebook, for logging The little things – “yea, I get it, I guess I’ve been a little distracted”
Notebook, for logging, Things that make me smile – “Uh huh, gotcha. I’m sure there are a few”
Notepad, for jotting down gentle Remember notes – “So your saying I’m forgetting some important aspects of life?”
Notepad, for listing all the reasons Today is a good day – “I’m getting the point Jubilee! Are you done yet?”
Ohhh c’mon Jubilee!!! f’ing pencils with MY name engraved on them – “Really, I get it, enough already!”
Just like that and a glass of wine later, my two week run as an egocentric human was adjusted. Thank You Jubilee.
You want to know I jotted down on my Today Is A Good Day notepad list? You can get back to me.
That Jubilee Subscription Box sat on my kitchen table for several days, patiently waiting for me to acknowledge it. But, because I assumed it was a box of frivolous crafty stuff, I didn’t give it the priority I should have. I wish I had.
It was so much more…
It was pretty wrapping paper, unnecessary stickers, and personalized touches, that make a difference in someone’s day.
It was the card that is home to the handwritten note validating a friendship that has lasted a lifetime.
It was the cue that the gardens, the to do lists, and the reminder notepad mean your life is full.
Jubilee Subscription Box was a profound reminder that there is so much for us to smile about in the seemingly insignificant things.
And man, the freaking engraved pencils!!! You’re killin me Jubilee!
Use coupon AFLJUB10 through March 31st for $10 off your first box!
How to Order:
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