Disclosure: This post includes my personal Fabletics opinions and experience for which I was not compensated but it may contain affiliate / referral links. Read the full disclosure.
I received my Fabletics delivery this last weekend. I was really looking forward to it coming, mainly because I have almost ordered fitness apparel from Fabletics on several occasions and for whatever reason would always stop short of hitting the submit order button.
So first things first…let’s just address the elephant in the room. There’s no box. It didn’t come in a box. I realize that we are the Subscription Box Society, but on this one the rule is – we focus on the Subscription portion of the Society. No Box today. Kapish?
With that being said I hope you’ll appreciate that I brought to this review to compensate for lack of box, and any feelings of being short changed without a Box.

Fabletics Unboxing
I added a boxing theme to this un-boxing…with my boxing gear. Taaa Daaaaa! Welcome!
Alright, down to the business at hand. It took just under 2 weeks from placing the order to when I received it. I was a little inpatient with that, but only because I was so excited to get it.
Well, and because my daughter has been really annoyed with me asking her to help me take all these pictures, so there was a pair of leggings in the box (ahem subscription) for her. My mom tactic to guilt her away from her long breathy sighs, eye rolls, and do I have to do it nows?
Everything arrived in a nice secure gray standard parcel like envelopy thing. Certainly not fancy…but who knew what awaited inside. The suspense!!!
Hmmm, ok so not shiny or sparkly inside the outer package either. Each item was individually wrapped in very basic sealed clear plastic packaging. There were item label stickers on each that I assume are really there for the warehouse employees to pull for orders and package. I’m down, it’s all good.
But oh how I do love pretty packaging…I’m a sucker for a pretty bottle of wine.
Let me be honest with you…if you’re hoping to be wow’d by the packaging, you won’t be. Don’t be expecting to have your items tied with pretty ribbon or in an athletic inspiring theme.
Ohhh well wait, there is a Fabletics brochure with Kate on the front. C’mon homies…we’re that close to looking like Kate, now that we have the apparel to get us there.
The goods – I ordered 4 items – 2 leggings and 2 tops. Remember, it’s $49.95 a month minimum. (I think I mistakenly said $39.95 in my video review, my bad). I spent 56.22 on this order. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get $49.95 as your total unless you go with one of the full outfits.
I didn’t go for the full outfit because they just weren’t me. So, I mixed it up and went a la carte…and I am feeling pretty good about how close I was to the $49.95.

Fabletics Salar Leggings
First up the leggings. I ordered the Salar leggings. (1 pair for my daughter). They are a true dark black. In mascara terms “blackest black”. They have a bit of a sheen to them. Not like the 80’s metallic aerobic shine (scene from “10” playing in my head) but more like a spandexy really gonna hold that in for ya, shine.
The Fit – In my video review I likened it to putting on panty hose. If you’ve put them on before, it’s like that. You sort have to do the shimmy and wiggle to get them up. But it’s all good…it just means they are holding you in all packed up and not floppy feeling. I hope my technical jargon hasn’t gotten lost on you.
These leggings have a strong hold. They move and bend with you and don’t stretch out. They pop right back into place. No fluffy knees.
I have had mine on for probably 8 -10 hours and they are still tight. Yet not uncomfortable. I’m not suffering any stomach pains and my feel haven’t turned a blueish hue as of yet.
Let’s call them taut.
The material is 12% Elastane and 88% Polyester. Elastane you ask?
I had never heard of Eleastane myself, so I did a quick search. Turns out that it’s pretty damn vague. The US of A refers to it as Spandex, while the rest of the World, calls it Elastane. Oh, and DuPont trademarked it Lycra.
How about that? Happy to share a little useless knowledge when I can.
So, for me…leggings will lose all chances of survival based on ONE thing. It’s all about the crotch. No joke…I don’t care who is wearing them…no Bueno crotch, no Bueno legging.
I’m certainly not a designer so no disrespect intended here, but good lord, who knew it was so hard to create a legging crotch. Pay attention – Leggings may never have a low hangin droopin crotch or a high flyin sharin crotch.
You feel me? Good, moving on.
So far these leggings seem to be holding up, crotch wise. If I had to pick a more likely crotch direction for these legging, I’m going with the low hangin droopin crotch. Again, think panty hose. But so far so good!

Fabletics Aventura Tank
Aventura Tank – This is for me the perfect tank for walking or running. It’s light and airy. Because its loose with just the right amount of flowyness to it, it would keep you cool but not annoy you with too much movement.
I’m not a fan of wearing tight tops when doing aerobics, sweaty type exercises. I need to feel like the air is getting to my skin; and it totally would in this tank.
With that being said…it’s also a racer back and a bit sheer. So for those of you (like me) who aren’t planning to add a cute eye catching glimmer of color in the form of your bra…plan accordingly.
You see, I don’t do racer back bras. Don’t ask me why…I don’t know exactly. I’m guessing it’s because at some point in my teens when I chose bras based on how cute they were, I wore one and it hurt. Not because it was a racer back, but because it didn’t fit. Hence, the racer back bra was forever deemed a pain inducing form of intimate wear.
Nonetheless, I can make it work with a good ole fashioned strap bra. I’m not freaky about seeing straps.

Fabletics Mckinney Tee
Mckinney Tee – LOVE!!!! It should have been named Kenickie Tee. As soon as I saw it, I wanted to start singing Grease Lightning.
This is the softest tee ever, really! It’s made from 50% polyester and 50% cotton. And it’s wonderful! So ZEN!Who knew I was such a polyester gal! And I thought the Aventura tank was soft…
This little piece of heaven is so cute. This tee…I would totally throw on with a pair of worn jeans, throw my hair into some sort of messy do (that took an hour) and a pair of white sneakers…can you say timeless. “F” the workout homies!
It’s chic and understated with details that set it apart.

Fabletics Mckinney Tee
The collar has the slightest pattern that you would only notice if it wasn’t there.
The arm holes have been perfectly designed and cut to conceal any sort of side boob shot (well on me anyway). Oh and the little roll of the sleeve, as if you are to cool for school. It’s the rebel without a clue tee for me!!!
This has become a favorite of mine already. How do I know…because after I took the photos for this review I wanted to immediately take it off so it wouldn’t get dirty.
Fabletics Monthly Subscription Verdict

Erin in her Fabletics
I ABSOLUTELY adore my new Fabletics pieces and recommend you check out the Fabletics Subscription, SOON.
P.S. my daughter wore her leggings to school today. And, when she got home, first thing she said:
“mooommm (screaming from the kitchen)! I LUVVVV these pants…don’t you luvvvv yours?”
I swear, she said it!
So – there you have it Subs Society, Fabletics isn’t just ahhite, it’s luved! Don’t just take my word for it, take the review from a tween. The realest review you can get, because even when they like something, they won’t say it if might mean admitting to you, they like it. Right?
How to Order:
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