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Disclosure: This post includes my personal Curology Subscription Box Review for which I was not compensated but it may contain affiliate / referral links. Read the full disclosure.
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Curology is a dermatological subscription offering personalized formulas curated and tailored to individual skin concerns.

Curology Review

Looking back through the years and evaluating whether or not I had skin issues, I’m really not sure. I think I’ve been lucky to have been born with relatively low maintenance skin.

I’ve never really suffered from what I would categorize as acne, but I definitely had hormonal breakouts. I hated those little peckers popping up around my face every month, but it certainly wasn’t something thwarting any plans.

Although, with each year it seemed to get worse, seemed being the relevant word here. My pimples seemed to get bigger, redder, and stick around a lot longer. And, the little a-holes were leaving lots of pigmentation spots that stuck around way too long.  My self-image over time began to change and suddenly I  labeled myself as someone with “skin issues”.


About 3 years ago I went to an esthetician to find out if she could tackle my “bad” skin, and she said something to me that changed my whole world. She said:

“I don’t think you have bad skin; I think what you do to your skin is bad”

Whaaaa? Eureka! She was absolutely right…

I had become a picker! Blame it on whatever you want, I was not just popping a zit would show up, I was continuing to pick and ravage the little beasts constantly. Most of the time not even realizing I was doing it.

It had become a habit that was somehow relieving some sort of nervous anxiety. Although I wanted an outlet for the pent up stressors of life, the problem was the trickle-down effect was that I didn’t feel confident or comfortable about my appearance.

That day at the esthetician’s office, I turned over a new leaf. I made a very concerted effort to stop picking my face. (unfortunately I turned to biting the inside of my cheek…blech!) I began to realize that even though the pimples would still show up, one pimples no longer became 3 or 4 in the same area. Once I kicked my picking issue it was time to combat the monthly breakouts.


About a year ago I signed up for a Curology subscription. They were offering 1 free trial month and I figured why not.

I was very impressed with Curology’s ordering process. After you answer some questions and submit photos (optional) you are contacted through your account by your new personal skin care expert. At that point a formula is created to address your specific needs and you are sent your bottle.



The packaging feels neat and tidy. It has the perfect balance of pretty and clinical. I thinks it really helpful that it has your specific formula printed on the back label.



At first I didn’t stick to a dedicated routine. So the auto-renew and charge kicked in and the next month’s bottle showed up. But I still had half a bottle left.  I paused my subscription so I could finish up what i still had. Also, I and wanted to give the product a real shot.


I figured, well now I’ve paid for it so I need to use it.  I ended up using the rest of the first bottle and all of the second bottle. As much as people often complain about “auto-renew” this time it was the universe taking control of what needed to happen for my skin’s life path.


Fast forward about 60 days I realize I’m out of my Curology.

“Do I want to order more?” I realized that I hadn’t really paid much attention to my skin lately; and that’s weird since typically I’m always examining my skin. Turns out there really had been changes. The zits seem to show up significantly less often and go away much quicker. But the real kicker was the pigmentation spots were fading and my skin tone is noticeably more even. Because my skin was so unobtrusive to me now…I didn’t notice it anymore. HOT DAMN!

I signed back into my account and signed back up for my auto renew. I even adjusted my tailored formula a bit to address new concerns. Yep, you heard that right,  I had different concerns as a result of the changes already occurring in my skin.


I’m super impressed and happy with my Curology subscription. My skin looks great and feels great. Over the last 5 months or so I have strayed a few times from my committed nightly application, and without fail, inevitably my pores end up looking larger, a new zit pops up, or brown spots become more noticeable.

At this point my Curology subscription isn’t going anywhere.


How to Order CUROLOGY:

Use this link to signup for the CUROLOGY Subscription

What do you think of the latest Curology?

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About The Author


Welcome, Subscription Box Society readers, thanks for stopping by. I'm Erin and here's a bit about me, in the 3rd person, naturally. Erin's a wife & mom of 3, a girl and twin boys. She spent most her life in San Francisco Bay Area but now lives in Colorado. She loves the first snow of the season, but not as much as the last one. She loves decorating her home for each season, loves good food, scratch that – ALL food, and reality TV. She despises putting away the laundry, being in the car when her husband is driving, and hearing her own voice. But really the only noteworthy detail here is her fascination with the brilliance behind subscription boxes. Welcome to the Society!

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